Javascript program to swap two numbers without using temporary variable
To swap two numbers without using a temporary variable, we have multiple approaches. In this article, we are going to learn how to swap two numbers without using a temporary variable....
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JavaScript program to check whether a given number is power of 2
Given a positive integer n, write a function to find if it is a power of 2 or not...
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Javascript Program for Number of unique triplets whose XOR is zero
Given N numbers with no duplicates, count the number of unique triplets (ai, aj, ak) such that their XOR is 0. A triplet is said to be unique if all of the three numbers in the triplet are unique....
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Php Program to Check if two numbers are bit rotations of each other or not
Given two positive integers x and y, check if one integer is obtained by rotating bits of other....
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Javascript Program to Check if two numbers are bit rotations of each other or not
Given two positive integers x and y (0 < x, y < 2^32), check if one integer is obtained by rotating bits of the other....
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Count set bits in an integer
Write an efficient program to count the number of 1s in the binary representation of an integer.Examples :...
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Maximize count of indices with same element by pairing rows from given Matrices
Given two 2D binary arrays, a[][] and b[][] both of size M*N, the task is to pair each row in the array a[][] with any row in the array b[][] such that the total score can be maximized and the score for each pair is calculated as the total indexes at which values of both rows are identical....
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Classification of Algorithms with Examples
There are many ways of classifying algorithms and a few of them are shown below:...
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Java Program for Number of unique triplets whose XOR is zero
Given N numbers with no duplicates, count the number of unique triplets (ai, aj, ak) such that their XOR is 0. A triplet is said to be unique if all of the three numbers in the triplet are unique....
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Python3 Program for Number of unique triplets whose XOR is zero
Given N numbers with no duplicates, count the number of unique triplets (ai, aj, ak) such that their XOR is 0. A triplet is said to be unique if all of the three numbers in the triplet are unique....
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C program to count zeros and ones in binary representation of a number
Given a number N, the task is to write C program to count the number of 0s and 1s in the binary representation of N....
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BCD addition of given Decimal numbers
Given two numbers A and B, the task is to perform BCD Addition of the given numbers....
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